How to Enable Self Service Maintenance Windows

Description of Issue

We need to perform maintenance on our Self Service website(s) and want to alert our users when they access the site.

  • Self Service

  • Scheduled Maintenance

  • Maintenance Window

  • Scheduled Downtime

  • ESS Maintenance mode

  • Take ESS offline

  • Turn off access to ESS temporarily



  1. Sign into the hosting environment website for the desired Self Service program (ESS/VSS/CSS) and environment (Prod/Test/Train) as an administrative user

    1. EX:

  2. On the Client Configuration page click Edit next to the environment

  3. In the menu on the left, click Scheduled Maintenance 

  4. Click Add New

  5. Use the Item Type dropdown to define the maintenance type

    1. Warning - Displays message text but does not inhibit user functionality

    2. SystemDown - Displays message text and inhibits the ability to log into Self Service or access additional Self Service pages such as Employment Opportunities

  6. For nonrecurring maintenance, enter the specific date and time for the maintenance to occur

  7. For recurring maintenance, select the applicable day check boxes and enter the start and end times

  8. In the Message field, create a message that you would like to be displayed when users/customers try to access the Self Service website

    1. Ex: Site is currently offline for maintenance and should be available xx date/time.

  9. Click Add to save

Additional Information