Over-Short Adjustment Process or Write Off Guide
Over-Short Adjustment Process or Write Off Guide
Description of Issue
Need to write off small positive and/or negative balances.
- Over-Short Adjustment Process (arwrtoff)
- Write Offs
A balance or balances need to be written off.
- Navigate to the Over-Short Adjustment Process program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Over-Short Adjustment Process
- A message appears: Prior to running the write-off program, you should run the Payment Redistribution program. This will ensure that bills with some detail lines that are over-paid and some detail lines that are under-paid will be correctly reduced to zero.
- If needed, run Payment Redistribution by following the steps outlined here: How to use the Payment Redistribution program
- Click OK.
- Click Add to add a batch.
- Enter a Processing, Effective, and GL Effective date.
- Choose a GL Year/Period.
- Click Accept.
- Click Define.
- Fill out the Selection Criteria as needed using the field descriptions found in the Help menu (accessed by clicking the question mark icon and then Help when the define screen is not active).
- Choose a Department if desired.
- Choose a Write-off reason.
- Choose an Effective date.
- Click Accept.
- Click Select.
- Click Maintain WO to access and update each write off transaction prior to processing.
- Click Print, Display, PDF, or Save to generate a report of write offs about to be processed.
- Click Process.
- Choose the output options for the report and click OK.
- A message appears: Write-off the selected bills? Click Yes.
- A message appears: Write-off complete. Click OK.
- Click Back
- In the top ribbon, click Post Batch.
- Choose the output options for the report and click OK.
Additional Information
If further assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team based on the category of bills being written off (e.g. Categories 01-02, General Billing, Categories 20-40, Tax, Categories 60-63, Utility Billing, etc.).
If Reversal is needed for an entire batch or single transaction instructions can be found here
How to Reverse an Over Short Adjustment or Write Off Batch
Single Transaction