How to inactivate a Parcel or Personal Property with Certificate of Change Entry

Description of Issue

To inactivate the Status of a Parcel or Personal Property using the Connecticut Certificate of Change Entry program

Using COC Entry to adjust the Status to Inactive

  • CT Property Tax Billing

  • Certificate of Change Entry



Th Certificate of Change entry program can be used to change the status of a Parcel or Personal Property to Inactive 

  • Navigate to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Connecticut > Certificate Processing > Certificate of Change Entry

  • Click Define and complete the following fields

    • Type of Certificate set to Increase/Decrease (If changing status from Inactive to Active, must select New Bill to also generate a new bill)

    • Click the Print certificate checkbox to generate a Certificate mail merge after changes have been applied

  • Click Accept to proceed to the next screen

  • Click Update and change the Status to Inactive

  • Confirm the Inactive date and click Accept to finish

  • If satisfied with the results, from the ribbon, click the Apply button

    • You will be redirected to the main screen, displaying that a Certificate Reference number has been created. 

    • If Print certificate was selected from the main screen, you will instead be redirected to the mail merge output printout where you'll have the ability to either print or save the Certificate

  • This completes the Bill Update process. Note that all Certificates must still be posted to the General Ledger using the Daily Certificate Journal program afterwards

    • Navigate to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Connecticut > Certificate Processing > Daily Certificate Journal

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