How to Access the Self Service Hosting Pages

Description of Issue

A site would like to know how to access their MSS/VSS/CSS/ESS Hosting page

  • Tyler Hosted SaaS

  • AWS Hosted SaaS

  • ESS

  • MSS

  • VSS

  • MSS

  • Hosting

  • OnPrem




The URLs for a site's MSS Hosting pages can be found in their site report - if assistance is needed locating these URLs, please contact TSM SaaS.

  1. Access to the MSS Hosting pages is granted by the MSS Admin role in Cloud Admin

    1. Log in to Cloud Admin

      1. Tyler-Hosted Cloud Admin:

      2. AWS-Hosted Cloud Admin:

    2. Navigate to User Account Management → Manage User Accounts → View Details 

    3. Under Group Membership, select MSS Admin

      1. If this option is missing, please contact TSM SaaS to have it added

  2. Navigate to an MSS Hosting URL and log in with Cloud Admin credentials (ex. 1234jdoe)

For OnPrem Clients, do the following: 

  1. Connect to the Web Server as mssadmin or equivalent

    1. Note: If the web server is connected to the domain and not in a DMZ, tylerservice works as well

  2. Open Internet Information Services - IIS

  3. Click the Server name dropdown

  4. Click the Sites dropdown > Expand the Default website dropdown

  5. Click on the VSS/CSS/ESS Hosting page in need

  6. On the right-hand side of IIS, under browse application, click on the corresponding https 443 the hyperlink

    1. for instance, Browse on *:443 (https) 

    2. Note: the URL will look like this:

  7. When prompted, enter the mssadmin credentials

    1. Username: .\mssadmin or  <webserverName>\mssadmin

    2. Password: See your site report local accounts section. 

Note: the MSS/VSS/CSS/ESS Hosting URL can also be found under the current site report. 

Additional Information