How to email Purchase Orders to vendors

Description of Issue

How do I set up Purchase Orders to be emailed?

Were in vendors will the email be set up?

  • EERP

  • Munis

  • PO

  • Purchase Order

  • Email

  • Delivery Method

  • Delivery Preference

  • Purchasing

  • Vendors


Emailing vendors is new functionality for the site's purchasing department


In EERP navigate to the Vendors program, EERP>Financials>Purchasing>Setup>Vendors:

  1. In Vendors, on the Main tab, make sure there is a valid email address

    1. If the PO is using a remit address, a valid email needs to be noted here

    2. TylerForm can also be designed to email using the Contacts tab and the e-mail noted here

  2. In Vendors, on the General tab, make sure the Purchasing Delivery Method is set to E-mail

If choosing option b., make sure to speak to Tyler Forms support to ensure your Tyler Form is designed to look at the contacts tab email address