Search results in Work Order Central do not correctly factor in limited data access permissions

Description of Issue

Performing an open search in Work Order Management & Field Work returns all possible work orders that match each individual line of data access permissions, but an open search in Work Order Central only returns the work orders that combine all lines of data access permissions

  • Enterprise Asset Management

  • EAM


Defect in Work Order Central


Install the appropriate work ticket for your version:

  • 2019.1.22.2415 - MUN-447904

  • 2021.3.0.1977 - MUN-450703

  • 2021.4.0.1642 - MUN-450704

  • 2021.5.0.1179 - MUN-450705

  • 2021.6.0.789 - MUN-450706

  • 2021.7.0.552 - MUN-450707

Workaround:  Work Order Management and Field Work show the correct results based on user permissions

Additional Information