Allow update of Include informational expense amount in total setting on templates when no unapproved claims exist

Description of Issue

When updating a template informational expense code, the Include informational expense amount in total setting is grayed out when no unapproved claims exist


Employee Expense



Install MUN-419920 once it's been released


  • If all claims using that code are either closed or deleted, the code can be deleted from the template and then re-added with the correct setting

  • If there will always be claims using that code that are in the middle of being processed:

    1. Change the status of the existing template to Inactive which will prevent the template from being used on any new claims, but will still allow any existing claims to be processed

    2. Create a new template using the Copy function

    3. Delete the informational code with the incorrect setting

    4. Add the code back with the correct setting

Additional Information

It is by design that the setting is grayed out when unapproved claims exist because amount-based workflow rules take claim totals into account for workflow routing