Project Budget Detail Import not populating Full GL Account correctly when multiple strings are imported

Description of Issue

Detail Import not populating Full GL Account correctly when multiple strings are imported, Project code is missing from the Full GL Account field on the detail line

  • Occurs when some strings are tied to GL Accounts that have Project Codes and others do not
  • The incorrect Full Account on the detail causes the wrong account to display when exported to a Budget Amendment

Project Budget Import

Project Budget Package Entry



The work ticket MUN-419681 is currently open with Development to address this issue.

Additional Information

Two solutions for the import:

  • If the string is imported by itself, the account populates correctly on the Detail record
  • If the string is imported with other strings that have Project Codes on the GL Account, it populates correctly

If already imported, you can export to a GL Budget Amendment and update the line manually to add the Project Code prior to posting