Limit access to Tyler Hub

Limit access to Tyler Hub

Description of Issue
  • How can users be locked out of Tyler Hub?
  • Restrict access to Tyler Hub
  • Need Hub Admin Mode turned on
  • Instructions for HUB Maintenance mode
  • Users receiving Hey! We're Doing Stuff message when accessing Tyler Hub

Tyler Hub

Year End Close YEC


Limited access to Hub is needed


Follow the steps below to limit user access to Tyler Hub. This will lock out all users without Administrative Hub permissions 

  1. Open Tyler Hub
  2. Click the Settings Cog in the bottom left-hand corner
  3. Click Administration
  4. Navigate to General Settings > Maintenance Mode
  5. Toggle Enable Maintenance Mode to on
    1. A custom message can be set to display to unauthorized users
  6. Users that log into Hub during Maintenance Window are prompted with a message that is determined in the last step
Additional Information

Follow the steps below to review who has Administrator access in HUB.

  1. Open Tyler Hub
  2. Click the Settings Cog in the bottom left-hand corner
  3. Click Administration
  4. Click User Maintenance
  5. Select the desired user
  6. The information under User Application Rights determines Hub access. 
    1. If System Administrator is assigned to a user, they will not be locked out during maintenance mode. 

To limit access to Munis only, please see: Limiting Munis Access For Users