Next Year Budget Entry crashes after clicking Update - Columns hidden

Description of Issue

NYBE Closes with no error after clicking update

Program stopped at 'bgdeptrq.4gl', line number XXXX.
FORMS statement error number -8092.
At least one field for this INPUT ARRAY must be editable.


Next Year Budget Entry


There are no updateable fields available


This will occur if there are no updateable fields available, follow the steps below to display an editable field.

Munis > Financials > Budget Processing > Next Year Budget Entry

  1. Enter desired projection information
  2. Accept
  3. Enter desired account information
  4. Accept
  5. Right click on a column header. Example: Full Account
  6. Select a column that can be modified, such as the current budget level
  7. Accept

If the issue remains, please contact Munis General Ledger Support at 1.800.772.2260 or by creating a case using our Online Support Portal.

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