LA MPERS - Error Invalid Classification

LA MPERS - Error Invalid Classification

Description of Issue

What is causing Invalid Classification Error when uploading electronic file?

  • Payroll
  • Louisiana
  • MPERS Police Report

MPERS Class Crosswalk not complete


Map a Munis Employee Master Job Class code to the reporting agency’s expected values for Contribution Classification; Either H (hazardous) or N (non-hazardous). 

  1. Select State Reporting Codes 
  2. Select Crosswalk Codes
  3. Select Define
  4. Select MPER Class
  5. Accept
  6. Select Update
  7. Enter the correlating LA MPERS Contribution Classification code value in the Crosswalk Code Column
  8. Accept
Additional Information

The Export to Excel and Import from Excel option can be used to enter the crosswalk codes or mass change.