Where to find the Employee Import program

Where to find the Employee Import program

Description of Issue

I am filling in for someone and need to know where to go to perform an Employee Deduction import for new benefits. 

Where do I go if I need to process imports for Employee Master and Employee Job/Salary?

  • Payroll
  • Employee Import
  • Employee Deductions
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • Employee Master

  1. Go to Employee Import (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import)
  2. Click Define. Populate applicable fields.
    1. Note - If a new template needs to be created, click Custom Templates in the toolbar. 
    2. How to Create a Custom Template for Employee Imports
  3. Click Accept. This will start processing the import.
  4. Review proof for accuracy.
  5. Return back to the Employee Import screen and click Yes to the Import prompt if the proof report looks correct or click No if errors need to be reviewed.