Installing Canon ImageFormula CR-LI for Cashiering

Installing Canon ImageFormula CR-LI for Cashiering

Description of Issue

How does a cashier setup their new Canon ImageFormula CR-LI to use for check scanning in Cashiering?

  • Cashiering

  • EERP



  1. Do not connect the CR-L1 to the computer until the driver has been installed.

  2. Download the driver CR-L1/50/80 Ranger Driver Version from https://www.usa.canon.com/support/p/imageformula-cr-l1-check-scanner#idreference%3Dsoftware-drivers

  3. Select Download to access the executable installation file

  4. Locate the executable file, right click and select Run as Administrator.

    1. Dependent on your browser setting, the executable file may be saved to the local Downloads folder, or a specified location defined in your browser setting.

  5. When the Windows User Account Control menu appears, requesting permission to install the driver.

    1. Select Yes 

    2. On the Welcome page, select Install

  6. When the installation is completed, click Finish and plug in and power on scanner

  7. To verify that the installation was successful, go to Windows > Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features. You should see two Ranger programs installed:

    1. Ranger Plug-in, version

    2. Ranger, version

  8. Open the Cashiering Hardware Console > Add/Edit Devices

  9. Select the Canon CR-L1 in the MICR and Check Scanner drop down.

Additional Information

NOTE: The Canon CR-L1 is a scanner only, and not receipt printer.