Employee Insurance Amount is rounding down to nearest increment

Employee Insurance Amount is rounding down to nearest increment

Description of Issue

For two Employees, the Insurance Amount calculating when running the Insurance Update is rounding down to the nearest increment but should be rounding up.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Deductions

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Insurance Update


On Deduction and Benefit Master, the Insurance Option for this code is set to 2-Next Increment, but for the two employees who are calculating incorrectly, it is set to 1-Nearest Increment in Employee Deductions. Option 2-Next Increment will round up to the next defined Life Insurance Increment, but Option 1 will round up or down to whatever the closest increment is. 

Example: Employee Annual Salary is 61,200 and the defined Life Insurance Increment is 1000. With Option 2, it would round up for an Insurance Amount of 62,000, but with Option 1 it will round to 61,000 as that is the closest increment of 1000.

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions.

  2. Search for Employee. Click Accept.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Click Insurance Tab.

  5. Choose correct selection from Insurance Option dropdown.

  6. TAB to allow correct Insurance Amount to calculate in.

  7. Click Accept.

Additional Information