How to Set Up an Employer Paid 403B Deduction

How to Set Up an Employer Paid 403B Deduction

Description of Issue

How would I set up an employer paid 403B deduction?

  • Payroll

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Employee Deductions



To create the new deduction in Deduction Master

  1. Navigate to the Deduction and Benefit Master. (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Deduction and Benefit Master)

  2. Select Add and choose a Deduction code not already in use, and not in a hard coded range (Don't use 1000, 3000, 4000 or 5000 ranges).

  3. Define the following fields as noted.  All fields not specifically noted can be populated as needed.

  4. An example setup might be: 

    1. Category should be 03- Retirement

    2. Insufficiency should be M - Mandatory (Must be Resolved)

    3. Calc Code would vary. 

      1. If all employees get the same amount calc code 01-AMT FROM DEDUCTION MASTER

      2. If employee totals vary use 02 - AMT FROM EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION

    4. Check Type should be N - No Check

    5. Empe/Empr should be 2- EMPLOYER PAYS

    6. Select an appropriate Expense and Withholding GL account

  5. Select Accept.

The deduction would then be added to the employees in Employee Deductions.

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