Flat manufacturer code is required

Flat manufacturer code is required

Description of Issue
Encountered an error: Flat manufacturer code is required and there is no code available to be selected
  • Services 
  • Flat Inventory 

The Flat item code does not have Manufacturer code added to it.


Navigate to Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Meter / Flat Inventory Management >Flat inventory

  1. Click Add.
  2. In the Code field, select the Flat Item code, you want to add a Manufacturer code to. If you need to make a Flat item code: Create a Flat Item Code
  3. In Manufacturer field, select the Manufacturer code you want to add.
  4. Fill the relevant fields. Click Accept
  5. Go into the Services program and add the services.
  6. Now the Manufacturer code will appear in the dropdown.
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