AL RSA - Prenote employees missing

AL RSA - Prenote employees missing

Description of Issue

I'm trying to generate contribution records for a warrant that's past the Employee Update step, but only a handful of the hundred employees are generating records. Why aren't the rest of my employees generating a contribution record?

  • Payroll
  • Alabama
  • AL RSA Reporting

Print Payroll Checks hadn't been processed in the Payroll so any employees with a Prenoted direct deposit deduction did not get paid.

  1. Navigate to Payroll Start and Status
  2. Change the active warrant to the warrant you're trying to generate contribution records for
  3. Process the Print Payroll Checks step
  4. Regenerate AL RSA contribution records
Additional Information
  • When Prenote is checkmarked in Employee Deductions:
    • The first payroll is a "trial run" to confirm the direct deposit pieces
    • In the trial run, a physical check is created for the employee 
    • After the first payroll run, this box will be automatically unchecked
  • If you use the Prenote option for confirm direct deposit success, the Print Payroll Checks step in the Payroll should be processed for every Warrant. 
  • Master Article - AL RSA not Generating records for some employees
  • Master Article - AL RSA Reporting