Evaluate Current Product Release in Tyler Deploy

Description of Issue

The current product releases in Tyler Deploy are not color coded to show that the products are on the latest versions. How do I enable this option?

  • Tyler Deploy

  • Product Release Version

  • Overview


Tyler has released an update to Tyler Deploy which enables users to toggle the Evaluate Releases option to show the status of products on the latest releases of the deployed version by color.

  1. Navigate to Tyler Deploy and log in

  2. Find the desired tenant

  3. Select Overview in the left menu

  4. Select the Evaluate Releases toggle button to enable the option

  5. Select Overview in the left menu or refresh the page

  6. Overview will display a color coded for the release status of each product:

    1. Green:  Product is on the latest Release within its Channel

    2. Orange: Product Channel will reach End of Life on specified date

    3. Black/White: Release Update is available on product Channel

Additional Information
  • Channel 

    • Example: 2021.1

  • Release

    • Example: 2021.1.X.X or 2021.1.X

Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal if you have issues with this option.