Appends to time overtime is not appending correctly when rules engine is configured but not applicable to entries

Description of Issue

The Rules Engine and Overtime Policy logic seem to conflict with one another on determining how to generate the details for entries. The Overtime Policy is setup with appends to time applied and the Rules Engine is setup with post policy processing, but for the entry targeted the rule will not apply, however it seems to remove the cloned parent detail that was generated by the Overtime Policies append to time logic. 

  • ExecuTime

  • Time & Attendance

  • Appends To Time

  • Overtime Policy

  • Rules Engine



As a workaround you can disable your Rule to not apply until this has been addressed:

  1. Navigate to System Admin

  2. Select Polices & Rules Engine

  3. Select Rules Engine

  4. Click the pencil icon for the Rule Configuration

  5. Select the drop-down for Company and select a Test Company

  6. Click Save

Additional Information

Please reach out to Support in order to be notified once this has been addressed by Development in a future build.