Training Course Instructor Email Notification

Training Course Instructor Email Notification

Description of Issue

Is there a way that I can be notified if someone signs up for a class I created in ESS under training opportunities?

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • EERP 

  • Employee Self Service 

  • ESS

  • Course Instructors



  1. Navigate to Course Instructors 

    1. EERP > HCM > Talent Management > Certifications and Training > Course Instructors

  2. Define the Email field with a valid email address 

  3. Flag the Email Notification checkbox

    1. This determines if an email is automatically sent to the course instructor after the employee applies for the course online.

    2. To enable this feature, you must select the Notify Employees checkbox in Personnel Settings (refer to Additional Information).

Additional Information
  1. Navigate to Personnel Settings

    1. EERP > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Personnel Setup > Personnel Settings

    2. Click Update

    3. Select the Training tab

    4. Flag the Notify Employees checkbox

    5. Click Accept

  2. Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with additional questions.