Actual Tax bill run Tax Calculation Errors when there is an adjustment on an Omitted Bill for the same year

Description of Issue

In an Actual Tax bill run, when running the Tax Calculation program adjustments made on Omitted bills for the same Bill Year are flagged as needing to be reversed. 

  • Property Revenues
  • Northeast Tax
  • Actual Billing
  • Omitted Bills (txomtbls)
  • Tax Calculation (txtxcalc)

If adjustments were made to omitted bills for the same year as the actual bill run, Tax Calculation incorrectly flags these adjustments as errors that must be reversed before Tax Calculation will finish.


Development is currently working on resolving this issue, download the work ticket below once available to resolve. 

A work around in the meantime is to reverse the adjustments on the omitted bills, then finish the actual bill run.  Reverse a Bill Detail Adjustment

Once the Actual Bill run is complete adjustments can be re-added.  Bill Detail Adjustment Guide

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.