Project Ledger - Unpaid Actuals
What type of transactions contribute to Unpaid Actuals on the Project Ledger?
When would unpaid actuals show positive or negative?
How do I tell if unpaid actuals are correct?
Unpaid Actuals
Project Inquiry - Cash Balances
Project Monthly Amounts - View Monthly Amounts
Project Central - Paid Invoices
Accounts Payable transactions can display as either Paid or Unpaid Actuals depending on where they are in their process
When looking at Project Inquiry for Expense or Funding Source Strings use the View Monthly Amounts option to compare sum of unpaid amount for project year and month to detail transactions for that same month
How do the Unpaid Actuals and Paid actuals update on a project string
Revenue Cash based AR codes will update the Unpaid Actuals and will move to paid once the invoice is received creating the CRP journal
Accounts Payable Invoices use unpaid in many points in their process
Unposted Invoice = Unpaid Actual increased to invoice debit Amount
Posted Invoice in Approved status = Unpaid Actual
Printing moves to cash disbursement = Unpaid Actual
Posting Cash Disbursement APP Journal invoice Paid status = Unpaid Amount moves to Paid Actual
Voiding Check moves Invoice back to Cash Disbursement = Paid Actual
Posting Cash Disbursement Void opposing APP Journal invoice moves back to Approved status and deletes warrant/check run syntax = Paid Amount moves to Unpaid Actual
Delete or Void AP Modify Invoice APM journal = Unpaid drops to zero amount
Other AP info to consider
AP Retainage should show as unpaid until it is relived or permanently withheld
Credit Memo show as credit negative amount instead of debit positive
Unpaid should typically decrease and move to zero amounts if transactions in same month, positive in one month negative in other if API/APM different months to sum to zero.