Adding ReadyForms Administration Menu Item to the Tyler Menu

Description of Issue

Ready Forms menu on the Tyler Menu Tree is missing the Ready Forms Administration menu item

  • Tyler Menu

  • ReadyForms



From the Tyler Menu go to System Administration

  1. Click on General Administration

  2. Click on Menu Settings

    1. From menu settings, click on the System Administration caption. It will then be highlighted

      1. Click the Accept icon in the toolbar

      2. Use the down arrow to highlight Printer/Device Administration

      3. Click the Accept icon in the toolbar

  3. From the Printer/Device Administration Menu Design screen, use the down arrow to navigate to ReadyForms

    1. Click the Accept icon in the toolbar

      1. Use the down arrow to navigate to Delivery Definitions Caption

      2. Click the Update Icon in the toolbar

      3. The screen will change the way the fields look

      4. Click Accept

      5. Click the Add icon

      6. Under Type, select Web URL

      7. Under Parameters, Copy and Paste the Clients Ready Forms Administration URL

      8. Under Caption, Type ReadyForms Administration

      9. Click Accept icon in the toolbar until you see 'Record(s) Updated' in the bottom.  

  4. Go back to the Hub homepage and refresh the Tyler Menu. The ReadyForms Administration menu item should now be under Printer/Devices, ReadyForms menu.

    1. Be sure the account you are testing with has access to Readyforms, or you still will not see it.

    2. This will not appear in the Tyler Menu Card without further configuration.

      1. This WILL appear in the Leftmost Parent Menu (the three lines, hamburger icon)

      2. If it is desired in the Tyler Menu Card, edit the card, and select Forms option.

Additional Information