ACFR - Delete Account Groups

ACFR - Delete Account Groups

Description of Issue

What is the process for Deleting Account Groups in ACFR?

  • ACFR (Annual Consolidated Financial Report)
  • Configuration & Setup
  • Account Groups

Need to remove unneeded Account Groups


After migration all of your groups and the accounts tied to them will be visible.  If you  need to add any new groups follow these steps

  1. Select Account Groups from Agencies & Entities menu
  2. Use drop down arrow for Report options
  3. Select needed option, example Function Object
  4. Select needed category and highlight the name
  5. Select 3 dot vertical ellipses (more) button at the top
  6. Properties
    • The properties pane will open, to add a group on a report where there are selections, make sure your cursor is in the correction section
  7. Delete button on lower right hand side of screen
Additional Information