ACFR - Update roles
ACFR - Update roles
Description of Issue
How to update a role for ACFR?
- Annual Consolidated Financial Report (ACFR)
- Configuration & Set Up
- User Access
- Settings
Site needs additional role access on an existing assigned role
- Navigate to the ACFR dashboard: https://YOURPORTAL.tylerportico.com/acfr/dashboard/
- In the URL bar, replace the word “dashboard” with “roles” (e.g. https://YOURPORTAL.tylerportico.com/acfr/roles)
- Select Role
- Select needed Role to update
- Role Access on left hand side of screen
- Expand '>' chevron for Reconciliation notes
- If you want to give all access to this Role, you can check the box next to the ACFR label for Reconciliation notes
- If you want to give access to just certain ACFR areas, click on the expand chevron, then select just those areas you want to grant access to
- Apply access changes at the bottom of screen, might need to scroll down
- This will update all users assigned to the role
Additional Information