ACFR - Document Attachments
Can document attachments be added to ACFR?
ACFR (Annual Consolidated Financial Report)
Attachments & Documents
Attachments are now available in the Adjusting Entries and Fund Level Adjusting Entries modules
Documents can be attached to Adjusting Entries and Fund Level Adjusting Entries as of 11/10/2022
In Adjusting Entries, the attachments are stored based on the reference number of the adjustment
When you initially add an adjustment it does not have a reference number, so this means the icon will not be available
As soon as you save and a reference number is assigned to entry, the paper clip becomes active
When you click on the paper clip, the Upload Attachments dialog box will open
Attachments in the Fund Level Adjusting Entries work identically to Adjusting Entries
The only exception is that the paper clip icon is immediately available when you add a new entry
Because the Reference number is assigned as soon as the entry opens, you do not have to wait for the icon to become active.