All Parks Fees calculating to $0 on December 31st
Starting on December 31st, some or all fees in Parks & Rec calculate to $0. This can affect all registration types, Cart Fees, or adding charges to existing invoices.
The issue resolves on its own on January 1st.
Parks & Rec
Tyler Parks and Recreation
The Yearround fee schedule, which is typically set up to calculate the same rate from January 1st to December 31st, is stopping on the 31st rather than stretching to the end of the day. Development is currently investigating a permanent solution.
Go to Administration > Cashier Setup > Fee Schedules.
Edit the SYSTEM YEARROUND Fee Schedule.
If no year is specified in the EndDate field, set it to the year 9999.
Unselect Ignore Year.
Development is investigating a code fix for this, but the issue will not happen again until the year 9999, if Resolution steps are followed.