ACFR - Error updating Account Groups
ACFR - Error updating Account Groups
Description of Issue
Error received when assigning accounts to the proper groups
Error updating Account Groups
The following errors(s) need to be addressed prior to save:
Account group name is empty
- ACFR (Annual Consolidated Financial Report)
- Configuration & Setup
- Account Groups
- CAFR fund types
Accounts were imported without CAFR Fund Types, unassigned or assigned initially to the wrong account group
After migration all of your groups and the accounts tied to them will be visible. If you need to add any new groups follow these steps
- Select 3 dot vertical ellipses (more) button at the top
- Properties
- The properties pane will open, to add a group on a report where there are selections, make sure your cursor is in the correction section
- Add (+ icon)
- The name field will appear and a blank row will be inserted at the top of the list for the section was selected
- Type the Name as you wish it to appear on statement
- After name is defined it will be visible on the list
Additional Information