Work Order Journal and Post inflates overhead over time

Description of Issue
  • WO Journal and Post is inflating overhead charges for partial billing work orders where charges are added at different periods of time and the work order record has costed these records at least 3 separate times.

  • The Estimated/Actual Overhead costed field subtracts the overhead costed amount instead of adding it to the total amount. 

  • The WOJ journal lines for the overhead accounts are incorrect.

  • Enterprise Asset Management

  • EAM




Install the appropriate work ticket for your version:

  • 2021.6.0.1682 - MUN-466838

  • 2021.7.0.1475 - MUN-468807

  • 2021.8.0.1199 - MUN-468808

  • 2021.9.0.933 - MUN-468809

  • 2021.10.0.610 - MUN-468805

  • 2021.11.0.246 - MUN-470552

Workaround: Deselect Cost overhead on work orders prior to posting

Additional Information