4gl error processing ReadyForms documents

4gl error processing ReadyForms documents

Description of Issue

Users encounter 4gl errors in Munis when processing any ReadyForms documents. The full error log contains the following line:

<ExtendedProperty Name="Exception.InnerExceptions[1].InnerExceptions[1].Message" Value="There is not enough space on the disk.&#xd;&#xa;"/>

  • Munis

  • ReadyForms(Enterprise Forms)


There is not enough disk space available on the server drive where ReadyForms is installed.


Expand the disk space available on the server where ReadyForms is installed.

To determine which server disk to expand: 

  1. Navigate to Tyler Deploy

  2. In the left-hand side toolbar, select Site Report

  3. Select an environment (PROD/TEST/TRAIN/etc.)

  4. Navigate to the ReadyForms section

    • "Deployment Targets" lists the server ReadyForms is installed on

    • "Base Installation Directory" will indicate the disk used, followed by the installation path

If you have any questions or run into any issues with this process, please contact TSM OnPrem or TSM SaaS Support team.

Additional Information

We also recommend ReadyForms debugging is turned off, unless it is specifically turned on to troubleshoot an issue with support.

For instructions toggling the debugging option, please see the following article: Error Processing ReadyForms Document