W2 Generated Error Munis prw2wzrd Error executing getvalues during generate

Description of Issue

When Generating W-2s, it is stopping in the middle and giving the error Munis(prw2wzrd) Error executing get_values during create

  • Payroll

  • W-2 Wizard

  • W-2 and 1099-R Processing

  • Create W-2 and 1099-R Records


Employee does not have an address in Employee Master


Check the details of the error to see if there is more information on what is causing the error. 

When the error pops up, click the Details button.

For Example, within the details, it could read:

<Exception Type="Aggregate" Message="Error executing get_values()." Timestamp="2023-01-13 15:34:18.27900">

<Exception Type="SQL" Message="Error executing get_praddrss (prad_addnum = 1)." Timestamp="2023-01-13 15:34:18.25699">

<ExtendedProperty Name="Employee" Value="18193"/>

To add an address to an employee within Munis:

  1. Check Employee Master to see if the deduction code was deleted. (Munis>Human Capital Management>Human Resources>Employee Pay/Job Classification>Employee Master)

  2. Search for the employee. Click Accept. 

  3. Click Address tab. Check if Line 1 and City, State, Zip are filled in.

  4. Update employee address and regenerate.

Additional Information