How to run the Maryland Billing Process Revenue Report

Description of Issue

The Billing Process Revenue Report program prints a revenue report for the real estate billing process currently in process. The report summarizes the impact the current billing process has on projected revenues (taxes). The impact on revenues is determined by subtracting the charge and credit amounts that exist prior to the billing process for each affected bill from the recalculated charges and credits in the current billing process.

You must print the report prior to the creation of accounts receivable.

  • MD Property Tax Billing

  • Billing Process Revenue Report


  • Working records must exist to run the Billing Process Revenue Report.

  • Must be in an active bill run.

  • Process Status in Tax Year Settings would be greater than a 1.

To create the report:

  1. Navigate to: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > South > Maryland > Billing Process > Billing Process Revenue Report

  2. Click the Define button. 

  3. Select either Detail and Summary or Summary only

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Select

  6. Click either Output, Print, Display, PDF, or Save.

Do the following if you receive this message message: No data available. The Search option was not used or it returned no data

  1. Close and reopen the Billing Process Revenue Report and repeat the above steps.

  2. If you continue to receive a message that no data was returned, confirm that Working records exists.

  3. Navigate to: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > South > Maryland > Billing Process > Imported Parcels

  4. Click Search and click Accept. If records are returned, then you've confirmed that Working records exist.

  5. If no records were returned, you may not have imported any parcel data using the Import State Data program

  6. Contact Munis Tax Support if further assistance is required 

Additional Information