Incomplete error when credit memos are entered against invoices with contracts

Description of Issue

Incomplete error when credit memos are entered against invoices with contracts

  • GL Encumbrance

  • Invoices

  • Contracts

  • Account Inquiry

  • Credit Memo


Credit memo cause error on GL Encumbrance Report


Work ticket MUN-449261 has been created to address the issue

Disregard errors until all Invoice batches are posted.

Contact MUNIS General Ledger Support for assistance if errors remain after posting all Invoices batches.

Additional Information

GL Encumbrance error

  1. Displays UPDJNL error when Credit Memo Invoice in proof, should include * but doesn't.

  2. Displays JNL error when the Credit Memo Invoice has been posted. Appears to be incorrect error.

  3. It is NOT recommended to make corrective GEL Encumbrance Journals.Â