Create Munis Payment Method and Link to Cashiering Tender Type

Description of Issue

Set up new payment tender in Cashiering and set up in Munis


Payment Method

Tyler Cashiering




Set up AR Payment Method first in Munis General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Payment Methods

  • Click Browse to see all Payment Methods that have been created
  • Make note of the number or letter in the Payment Method column
  • If the Payment Method does not already exist select ADD to create a new Payment Method and attach a cash account to that payment method if you would like. Also see for step by step instructions.

In Cashiering, go to Setup > Tender Types > Choose Tender Type > Enter corresponding Payment Method number or letter in the External Reference field in Cashiering. 

Additional Information

Also see Link Munis Payment Method to Cashiering Tender Types for step by step instructions.