Create Tax Fee Import File

Create Tax Fee Import File

Description of Issue

Need to create an import file to assign fees to tax bills. 

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Assess Late Fees (aradlfee) 

A large number of tax bills need fees added to them. 


The import file used in Assess Late Fees must be a flat, fixed-width, text file. These types of files can be created in Notepad, Notepad++, or in Excel. The file must be saved as a .txt fixed-width file. Fixed-width means the data is separated based on which row and column it is in. The layout required by the Assess Late Fees program is as follows: 

Columns 1-2: Bill Category (20 = Real Estate, 25 = Personal Property, 30 = Motor Vehicle Excise)

Columns 3-6: Bill Year (YYYY)

Columns 7-14: Bill Number (NNNNNNNN)

Columns 15-22: Fee Amount (Amount of fee (decimal implied). Used only when fee charge code amount is being overridden; otherwise, must be all zeroes.)

A row in this file for real estate bill #12345 in bill year 2021 with a fee amount of $100.00 would look like this: 2020210001234500010000

Once this file is created, follow the steps here to import the file: Import Tax Fees

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.