Unable to Select Both or Tax For CAMA Import

Description of Issue

In the Import Real Estate CAMA to Munis and Import Personal Property CAMA to Munis program, the dropdown menu underneath Update closes before Both or Tax can be selected. 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • Import Real Estate CAMA to Munis (txremove) 

  • Import Personal Property CAMA to Munis (txppmove) 


The initial bill run steps have not been completed. 


Each CAMA bridge is uniquely coded on a site by site basis. Some bridges require that the initial steps in the state and site specific bill run be complete before an import into Both or Tax is allowed. Consult the appropriate tax guide and make sure that all steps listed before Import Real Estate CAMA to Munis or Import Personal Property CAMA to Munis have been completed. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please reach out to the appropriate tax support team for your region.Â