BAAS Records missing for a Munis GL account that was created after Generating BAAS Records

Description of Issue
  • BAAS budgeting module is not updating budget codes that are added in Munis to the GL.

  • I created a new Munis GL account after I Generated BAAS Records.  How do I add a budget record for the new account?

  • Financials

  • North Carolina 

  • NCDPI BAAS Reporting


GL account did not exist when BAAS records were created with the Generate process.


Manually create the BAAS record using these steps: 

  1. Open the NCDPI BAAS Reporting program

  2. Select BAAS Records

  3. Select Search

  4. Enter the Fiscal Year

  5. Enter the NCDPI PRC in the PRC field

  6. Select Accept

  7. Select Update

  8. Select Accept

  9. Select Detail Records

  10. Use the Search option to find the newly created record and make changes as needed.

Additional Information