Maine Vehicle Registration Anywhere Cashiering URL refused to connect
When accessing cashiering anywhere from ME VR, after clicking the Anywhere Cashiering button from the Tender screen, redirected to a page that displays the URL followed by refused to connect
Accounts Receivable
Maine Vehicle Registration
Payment Entry
Anywhere Cashiering
When receiving the error Refused to connect, it should also display a specific URL. The site referenced needs to be added as a trusted domain via Tyler Deploy.
OnPrem clients with Tyler Deploy access and Deploy/Configure permissions:
In Tyler Deploy, navigate to Product Configurations > Tyler Cashiering Server
Expand Tyler Cashiering Server section
Check off Show advanced
Scroll down to IIS Info
In the Whitelisted Trusted Domain(s) field, add the site referenced in the error
Ex: frame-ancestors https://*
Scroll up and click Save
Click Go to Deployment
Run Cashiering deployment with Force Redeployment checked offÂ
SaaS clients:
Please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal