Project Segment Codes- Project Accounting is not in use

Description of Issue
  • User receives an error in Project Segment Codes and wants to know why they can not use Project Accounting: Project Accounting is not in use.

  • CRM does not show Project & Grant Accounting in the site's active customer products.


Project Segment Codes

  • Project & Grant Accounting is a module that sites can opt to purchase separately from standard Munis modules.

  • General Ledger Settings does not have Use project accounting selected since the site has not purchased it.

  • To set up for using project strings, a site needs to own the Project Accounting module, which is not included in the standard Munis modules.

  • Please reach out to your site's Munis Sales Rep for information on purchasing the Project Accounting module if interested.

  • General Ledger Support can provide contact information for your site's Sales Rep if needed.

Additional Information