Add new Bank Code and Bank Account for use in Bank Reconciliation and Bank Reconciliation Manager

Description of Issue

New Bank code and account needed


Bank Codes


Bank code doesn't exist in Munis


Financials > Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation > Bank Codes

  1. Click Add

  2. Enter desired information

  3. Click Accept

  4. Select Accounts in the ribbon

  5. Click Add

  6. Define bank account information

  7. Click Accept

  8. Enter GL Account

  9. Click Accept

Additional Information

Adjustments and Deposits:

If the new bank code is replacing a previous bank code

    • DO NOT delete the old Bank Code 

    • The new bank code can begin to be used immediately

    • However, Items that are already attached to the old Bank Code need to be cleared and reconciled under that Bank code 

    • Both Bank Codes will be used for reconciliation until all items attached to the old Bank code have been cleared and no new items are createdÂ