Need to report legacy employees on the TN 401k Plan report with an Auto-Enrollment Suppress Code of Y and no contribution amounts

Description of Issue

Is there a way to report employees on the TCRS 401k Plan Report with a suppression code of Y and a 0 amount of contribution?

  • Payroll
  • Tennessee
  • TN 401k Plan Reporting


Corrected in Versions 2021.12 & Higher. 

Install one of the following Tyler Deploy Releases: 

  • 2021.12.0.1082
  • 2024.1.0.720
  • 2024.2.0.224

After installing the changes, the Auto Enrollment Suppress Code will default to Y in the TN 401k Reporting Generate for non-contributing employees and to N for contributing employees, unless an override value is defined for the employee's Before Tax Contribution deduction code.

Additional Information