Project String not showing on Project Budget Package - Project String is not in an Active status

Description of Issue

A Project String is not showing on a Project Budget Package when in the Project Budget Package Entry program.

The Project is included in this Project Budget Package's list of Projects.

  • Project Ledger
  • Project Master
  • Project Expense String
  • Project Funding Source String
  • Project Budget Package Generation
  • Project Budget Package Entry

The Project String is not in an Active status.


To activate this Project String and then populate it on the Project Budget Package:

Financials>General Ledger Menu>Project Accounting>Project Ledger>Projects/Inquiry>Project Master

  1. Search
  2. Enter the Project Code
  3. Click Accept
  4. In the Ribbon, select Expense if this is an Expense String, or click Funding Source if this is a Funding Source String
  5. Locate this Project String, and click Update
  6. Set the Status field to Active
  7. Click Accept
  8. Now, go to Financials>General Ledger Menu>Project Accounting>Project Ledger>Project Budget Processes>Project Budget Package Generation
  9. Click Search
  10. Enter the Project Budget Package
  11. Click Accept
  12. Click Master
  13. Click Yes

Now, when you reopen the Project Budget Package Entry program, the Project String should now appear on this Project Budget Package.

Additional Information