Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Quick vs Full Entry Modes

Description of Issue
  • Cannot swap back to Quick or Full Entry mode
  • Too many or too few fields available for data entry
  • Munis
  • Accounts Payable
  • Form

Accounts Payable Invoice Entry defaults to the last entry mode client used.

  • New Batch (if Quick Entry is needed)
    1. Munis > Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry
    2. Select Quick Entry as needed to start a new batch in that mode of entry
    3. Fill out batch and add invoices in the mode of entry of user's needs.
  • New Batch (if invoice entry needs to be switched from Quick Entry to Full Entry)
    1. Munis > Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry
    2. Click Add Batch
    3. Fill out Effective Date/Year/Period information
    4. Click Accept
    5. While viewing the invoice, click Cancel
    6. Click Full Entry in ribbon
    7. Continue with Invoice Entry
  • Existing Batch
    1. Munis > Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry
    2. Search on existing batch
    3. Click Resume Batch 
    4. Select Quick Entry or Full Entry as needed to continue existing batch in preferred mode of entry
Additional Information

Munis remembers what entry mode was used last and will use it as the default moving forward until changed.