Unable to complete or clear Munis side only matches in Bank Reconciliation Manager

Description of Issue

Matches that only include Munis side transactions (no bank items) are not being cleared and/or removed from the Match screen. 

Issues with Munis side only :

  • Matching Deposit to Deposit (CRP/GCR) - Transactions are not removed from the Match screen. Status on transactions remains Unmatched.
  • Matching Deposit to Journal (CRP/GCR to GEN/GRV) - Deposit remains on Match screen in Unmatched status. Journal is removed from the Match screen, but no Clear Date is set. 

Bank Reconciliation Manager

Journal Correction


Munis to Munis matches were not part of the original program specifications.

  • MUN-349004 is currently open with Development to allow Munis to Munis matches to complete correctly and will address:
    • CRP and GCR journal types are not removed from the Match screen when include in Munis to Munis only matches
    • Allow matches to complete across transaction types, even when no bank items are included in the match.

Additional Information