Munis Program Session Timeout Not Working

Description of Issue
  • Munis program timeout for active sessions is not working as needed
  • Munis
  • System Configuration Settings
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Administration
  • Need to define a timeout threshold for user roles
  • Users time out too soon and need more time to complete work
  • Users need to be forced out of Munis programs if idle for too long
  • User role defined timeout conflicts with System Settings idle program warning message timing
  • Ensure users have the correct level of access
    1. Munis > System Administration > Security > User Attributes
    2. Search User Id
    3. Accept
    4. Effective Permissions and review System Administration module Permission "Timeout programs after an idle time of"
      1. This is the combination of all assigned roles granting this permission.
      2. The highest time out of all assigned roles will display as the defined time threshold
      3. A single role with "Disabled" will overwrite any defined time.
  • Ensure System settings are defined to warn users in time to take action before timeout.
    1. Munis > System Administration > General Administration > System Settings
    2. Select the System Settings tab
    3. Update and define the Prior to timeout, show a timeout alert for: 
      1. No Alert
      2. Select time to trigger idle warning with count down clock until timeout threshold reached
Additional Information
  • Munis takes the User's assigned total of role permissions for timeout threshold and then applies the system setting warning on top of it.
  • Example
    • User has overall timeout threshold of 30 minutes
    • System Settings warn at 5 minutes
      • User opens a Munis program, at 25 minutes user receives warning of program timeout with countdown of 5 minutes.