Move All Transactions To Another Fund
Move All Transactions To Another Fund
Description of Issue
Site used wrong fund once or many times.
- Munis
- All Munis Versions
- General Ledger
Site posted to the incorrect Fund once or over a period of time.
- Choose one of the following options can be used:
- Use the original program that created journals to make adjustments.
- Use General Journal Entry/Proof, Accounting Entries or Journal Import to move amounts between funds. (Only GL Reports impacted)
Additional Information
- Test once in Train and run reports to ensure this is what site wants before updating Live
- Original program option ensures all Munis reports correctly reflect transaction impact.
- General Ledger adjustments to move amounts between funds only displays on GL Reports, other module reports display fund account tied to transaction.
- Decide how the data needs to display on the new fund account before making any move.
- Use one large journal just to move amounts all at once
- Use individual journals for sum of each period
- Use individual journal or journal detail lines to represent each transaction.