TX PEIMS Unique ID export not pulling ethnicity for certain employees

Description of Issue

The export unique id is not pulling race and ethnicity for some employees.

  • Payroll 

  • Texas 

  • TX PEIMS Unique ID Export/Import


Ethnicity and Race details missing on Demographics tab of Employee Master. 

Two or More Races option was selected instead of race details.


Make sure each applicable Race is defined on the Demographics tab in the Employee Master.

Additional Information

The Two or More Races option was created as a valid entry for EEO4 and EEO5 reporting with the EEOC.  Two or More Races is not a valid entry for PEIMS and TRS reporting. 

TSDS Unique ID Specifications: http://castro.tea.state.tx.us/tsds/teds/2020A/ds9/teds-ds_UIDv11_Enrollment_Functionality_Enabled_Final.pdf