Find Refund Report - Program abruptly closed

Find Refund Report - Program abruptly closed

Description of Issue

Report of Refunds was created but did not get to save it as MUNIS abruptly closed.

  • Saved Reports

  • Refund Report

  • Receipt Inquiry


MUNIS abruptly closed and were unable to save Report of Refunds that was created.


Must be the same environment (PROD/LIVE, TEST, TRAIN) the Report was created in. 

If logged in as the User who created the Report; check to see if it was saved under the Users My Reports

Navigate to Departmental Functions > My Saved Reports 

  1. Look to see if the file of the Report was saved here.

    1. If found, double-clicking the file will download it.

If not logged in as the User who created the Report:

Navigate to: Departmental Functions > Saved Reports

This program will show reports created by any User.

  1. Click Search

  2. Enter information to help limit search to find report. Filename preface for this report is arrefunds

  3. Select Accept or hit Enter on the keyboard

If it is not under My Saved Reports/Saved Reports, it was not saved. If the refund report was not saved then there is no way to get it back without posting the refund batch, voiding the AP checks, reversing the refund batch and redoing it.

To find the receipts in that refund batch:

Navigate to:   General or Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Inquiries and Reports > Receipt Inquiry.

  1. Search by only the batch number and source as refund processing. 

    1. This will bring up all of the receipts in that refund batch. 

If it is not under My Saved Reports it was not saved. Unfortunately, if the refund report was not saved then there is no way to get it back without posting the refund batch, voiding the AP checks, reversing the refund batch and redoing it. You could also go to Receipt Inquiry > search by only the batch number and source as refund processing. That would bring up all of those receipts in that refund batch.

Additional Information

Another way to access My Saved Reports outside of the Menu Path is to:

  1. Click on the User Profile in the upper-right hand of the screen (typically Users initials).

  2. Select My Report