How to Create Custom Document Mapping

How to Create Custom Document Mapping

Description of Issue

You need to create custom document mappings for your site.

  • Document Mappings

  • Associated Documents

  • Tyler Content Manager

  • TCM Document Retrieval Mappings




User will need "Maintain-To-TCM- Maps" permission on one of their roles in order to add mappings. Custom mappings can be created for both read only and non read only mappings and are based on existing standard mapping templates. 

  1. Navigate to the program for which you would like to create custom mapping for.

  2. Click the paperclip icon.

  3. Click Maintain in the Associated Documents section.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Enter a mapping name.

  6. Select the corresponding template.

  7. Click on the ellipsis to populate the fields that the mapping will be searching on.

    1. You only need to populate the fields that the mapping will be searching on.

  8. Check off Read Only, if that is what you are setting up. Leave this unchecked if you are creating non-Ready only mappings.

  9. Check off the Active box.

  10. Check off the Include in Search box for each search criteria you wish to include.

  11. Click Accept.

Additional Information

For Read-Only mappings:

  • Not all metadata is available to be used for mapping in all modules. 

  • The more search criteria you include, the narrower the results. Be sure what you are including in the search is populated on previously saved documents that you are expecting to see.

  • You are only affecting what users see, not modifying how data is stored.

For Non-Read-Only mappings:

  • All fields that your are expecting to archive with the record and that make the document able to be retrieved via a search later will need to be populating. Require fields are mandatory to include.

  • You are allowing new documents to be added with a non-ready-only mapping. You are not only affecting what users see, but also modifying what metadata is stored on any documents stored via these mappings. 

  • It is not advisable to add any non-read only mappings to programs that use the dataset value as this may cause unexpected results.