Utilities Access Autopayment in Delayed Processing
Customers are making payments via UA and Tyler Payments and are reporting that they are in Delayed Processing. Payments are not appearing in EERP.
Utilities Access
Payment Entry
Payments Journal
This occurs when the daily Utilities Access payment batch that the payment expects to hit in Payments Journal is released prematurely, or when a customer makes a payment with a Cash Only/Do Not Accept Payments Special Condition.
Start in Backstage to investigate the payments. Find the Batch number that the payments were expecting to land into.
Click Transactions
Click Payments w/o Receipts
Change the From and To dates in order to find the payments
Find the earliest payment in the batch, note the time that the payment was created. Click View Logs
Click one of the transactions. Note the VendorBatchId in the XML Sent area.
Navigate to Logs > Payment Push Requests
In From, enter the earliest payment date that you noted previously and subtract 1 hour. In To, enter 2 hours after the earliest payment
Look for the closest Successful payment to this transaction. If the VendorBatchId's in the failed and successful payments match, then these two payments are expecting to be in the same batch in EERP. In the XML Received table for the successful payment, the batchNumber is the batch in EERP that the payments were expecting to be open.
If the Payments w/o Receipts are newer than 14 days, we can reopen the Payments Journal batch and the payments will hit the batch naturally when they automatically push every 30 minutes.
Navigate to Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Payments Journal
Click Search
Enter the batch number that the Payments w/o Receipts are supposed to land in. Click Accept
Click Batches
Verify that the status of the batch is Released
Navigate to Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Entry
Click Search
Enter the batch number. Click Accept
Click Resume Batch. A message will appear asking for confirmation of changing the batch's status to unreleased. Click Yes
Return to Payments Journal, search for the batch number again.
Confirm the batch's status is unreleased.
The Payments w/o Receipts should start automatically flow to the now open batch once they try again on their 30 minute timer. Monitor the Payments w/o Receipts page to ensure the amount of payments here are decreasing over time.
If the Payments w/o Receipts are older than 14 days, we can not resume the batch and have payments flow to EERP automatically. Here are the options.
The customer can create a new batch via Payment Entry and enter the payments manually. After payments have been entered, support can enter the Receipt # into Backstage to link the payments. This will clear the "Pending" notification on the customers' UA account.
Support can perform a Push Now on each transaction in Backstage. There are a few caveats with this.
A new batch will have to be created, and the external batch ID will have to be scripted into the batch. Reach out to an analyst for this.
At this time, when a Push Now is performed, the Payment Date on the receipt will be changed to the date of the push. Example: Original payment was made on 10/12. A Push Now is performed on 11/01. The Payment Date will appear as 11/01 on EERP.
Delayed Processing verbiage is found in Payments Administration. In Utilities Access, these are typically found in Payments w/o Receipts.
Utilities Access batches in EERP have a lifespan of 24 hours if they are not manipulated by issues or the sites' clerks.
Payments in Payments w/o Receipts will attempt to push to the expected EERP batch every 30 minutes for 14 days.